Saturday, April 30, 2016

St. Philip's Guidelines for Constructive Communication

These guidelines are meant to serve as a basis for comment and conduct and they are intended to facilitate constructive communications. They are derived from the Anglican Diocese of Montreal's Safe Church Policy and Email Etiquette they are deliberately brief and not meant to be legalistic.

These guidelines are a function of discussions within the corporation. They have been reviewed at the January 2016 advisory board and suggested revisions have been incorporated into the current text. The guidelines were passed almost unanimously at the February 2016 Vestry.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

St. Philip's Spring Fair and 125th Anniversary Events

We have married our Book Bake and Craft Fair with our Yard Sale to make an even bigger event that we are calling St. Philip's Spring Fair. It will take place at 7505 Sherbrooke St. West, on Saturday May 7th 2016, from 9 am to 2 pm.

At the Spring Fair you will find a wide assortment of items from delicious desserts to one of a kind, hand crafted works of art. In addition to baked goods and artisanal crafts, you will find books and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. There will be balloons for the kids and holy hot-dogs made by our very own Father Jim, aka Rev. James Pratt our beloved rector.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Major new report calls Anglicans to Intentional Discipleship and Disciple-Making

This image of baptisms in India has been chosen as the cover illustration of "Intentional Discipleship and Disciple-Making - An Anglican Guide for Christian Life and Formation" - a major new report from the Anglican Communion

An Anglican Communion-wide season of intentional discipleship should not be created to address poor church attendance, or to counter the challenge faced by churches with high attendance and low commitment. Instead, it should be “a response to the biblical call to make disciples to honour and glorify God, as Christians live out their faith in everyday life as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, their Lord and Master,” a major new report published by the Anglican Communion says.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

You are Invited to St. Philip's Church 125th Anniversary

We are pleased to announce that in 2016 St. Philip's Church is celebrating its 125th anniversary. As part of our celebration we are staging six special events. We cordially invite everyone to join us and celebrate this special occasion. 

The inaugural event is the Spring Tea, click here for more information.  Stay tuned for more updates and information on forthcoming events.  

See the summary of events highlighted in teal in the calendar below.

Friday, April 1, 2016

God Calls Who God Calls

I love weddings. I love working with people as they prepare for their life as a married couple. I love helping them choose the readings that will speak God’s Good News to them on their wedding day. I love witnessing their vows and speaking God’s blessing over them. I love watching the faces of those in attendance as they enter into the joy and the hope of their dear friends, seeing God’s love and faithfulness revealed in their union. I do believe that marriage is a gift from God, a vocation into which some are called as a ministry to God’s people and for their own well-being.